Part I
(The nature of PSYCHE)
Chapter 5.
5.4. Psyche phenomena of the SECOND order
Other phenomena of the second order (or higher) are characteristic – together with memory (and forgetfulness) – for the human level of psyche (fig. 16 ), for self-consciousness, which can be admitted itself as consciousness of the second order, as process and result, as ability of comprehension – analysis and control – of own consciousness or of its separate elements, with use of opportunities, provided by the second signal system (also of the second order but not only the second by turn).
It seems expedient – considering realities of psychotherapeutic practice – to enter into scientific sphere several more of such phenomena.
(a) Controlling attention –
– attention to own attention (or CONTROL of attention process – almost by P.Ja. Galperin, by whom any ( ! ) attention is CONTROL,
i.e. attention process and CONTROL of attention object coincide).
(b) Advance fear (phobophobia) –
– fear of fear or fear to be frightened.
(ñ) Inveterate obsession –
– a self-protected obsession, double/coupled emotion at which emotion-shield (an emotion of the second order) suppresses self-criticism concerning obsession (an emotion of the first order), prevents to realize it as a negative factor (even to think of it), to fight against it, in particular – to address himself for help to get rid of it.
(d) Volition of the second order.
The beginning of will-realizing process (aim-creation, choice of intention j) can become an independent volition act.
Inclusion of ability to choice of activity purpose in a notion of volition (N.G .Alexeyev/Í.Ã. Àëåêñååâ [ 6]) can be justified just and only concerning volition of the second order.
It is can be emphasized, that this act (volition act of the second order) is carried out completely within the limits of spirit SM (mentalum/information level of psyche) which is at that shared into two parts (two sublevels):
• in one of them there is a thought-object (for example, intention or a number of intentions, on one of which a choice ought to be stopped);
• from another – a thought-subject observs (from higher sublevel) object and/or operate it.
We'll emphasize also that such a division, splitting of consciousness is norm – self-consciousness, – not a disease named practically the same – schizophrenia (sñhizî – I divide, ðhrån – mind).
More widely communication of volition and thinking can be considered as mutual dependence, in particular - by means of a feedback mechanism. Without severity thinking, discipline, logic sequence of thought only the most primitive intentions can be realized. Execution of a plan demands mind not less, than volition (B.M.Teplov/Á.Ì. Òåïëîâ [ 124, p. 37]).
On the other hand, in order to think precisely enough, the greater volition effort is necessary the more difficult is solved problem. From this point of view the statement volition is an element controlling consciousness (L.B.Lejkum/ Ë.Á. Ëåéêóì [ 66, ñp. 14]) can be admitted as correct, though not as definition of volition concept, which is applied by its author. There are many reasons for it, for example:
" function role of volition is defined in such a way but not its intrinsic matter;
" volition remains volition also regardless to consciousness, for example as a controller of emotional and/or moving spheres.
Deliberate refusal from using of volition can be admitted as an act of the second order volition. So when (and if) a psi-operator (a healer, a foreteller, etc.) enters into a trance state, he volitionally/intentionally blocks his own volition (of the first order).
Inter-personal influence (IPI) can also be admitted as revealing of the second order volition, as realization by an operator of his own intention to realize his client/patient intention which the client cannot realize on his own – it is realization of realization (see parts III and IV).