Part I
(The nature of PSYCHE)
Chapter 5.
A choice of an object T for voluntary attention, its orientation, can be considered as independent process, or selectivity of attention - as separate property
of psyche, as its independent element.
This function is provided (fig. 5d) by exarticulation of one more step in management of perception - of reflection RM2Ì1: person's S attention hS is managed by orientation dh of attention hS. On the scheme reflection RM2Ì1 (a reflection of the third order) is presented by the arrow 3. Unlike reflection RMA (the arrow 2), RM2Ì1 occurs within the limits of the same substances ÂM - an influence is transferred from a higher sublevel SÌ(i+1) of person's S mentalum SÌ into sublevel SMi.
The control of the attention orientation can be admitted as a special case of active intellectual self-control, as management of own thoughts that corresponds to the back reflection RbÌÌ. Direct reflection RdÌÌ – the self-consciousness, reflection of consciousness (in particular, of own thoughts) on a higher sublevel of SÌ - can be admitted as passive self-checking. Introspection is a special case of such self-checking.
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Introspection (see also s-n 1.3 ), the analysis of own sensations, images, thoughts, executed with a support directly (onestagely) upon a reflections of the second R2d and the third R3d orders, is not less lawful methodologicalally, than the same analysis executed multistagely: after preliminary –
• physical (physiological) display of these objects;
• their codings by means of (tool/instrumental) measurements, which just transform the analysis into the objective one;
• transformations of the received (measured) data by a researcher into images of his perception with a support on a reflection of first order Rd.
Moreover, each of these additional stages is fraught with entering of errors into result of the analysis.
The number of SÌ sublevels is essentially not limited (is potentially infinite). It is methodologically principle moment: a person (a "thinker") can (if it is necessary) analyze and supervise any his thought (a thought of any level) from higher level of his mentalum SÌ.