    International Association for Psyche survival - xsp.ru/psimattern/ Psyche survival We give not less than we promise Ðóññêèé 
Creative relations

Part IV
          A chance to keep Russia as Russian
          Chapter 17.   FP against NARCOMANIAE
a a a a a a a a a a a a 17.3.   STRATEGY of prophylaxis

– the conditions realizing "double echelon"
necessaryfor successful creation of "an antinarcotic OASIS"
in an Organization (Region/cCty, Department/Ministry, Educational institution etc) scale –

The general PRINCIPLE:
to not finish this work - is worse (!), than to not begin it,
it should be DONE but not should be TRIED to be done

1 stage.
A PURPOSE: personal interest of the Organization Head/chairman.
    A foreign experience: very serious advances of the USA in decrease of tobacco smoking level have come about through long (during 15-20 years) participation of USA Presidents in struggle against smoking.
    BUT here it is a question of only administrative/indirect support, WITHOUT significant direct/financial support.
A PRINCIPLE: self-repayment.
    Only programs based on inefficient methodical base are unprofitable and demand constant financing.
A SLOGAN (a variant): advantages of the OASIS for the Organization.

2 stage.
A PURPOSE: Formation of a body of active functionaries for future OASIS.
  2.1 To develop a system of moral (or also material) encouragements (for non-smokers) and punishments (for smokers) - to the stick and the carrot policy.
  2.2 To reveal the most inveterate smokers, beginning with a governing body.
  2.3 To liberate them from tobacco dependence.
  2.4 To aim them for monitoring (in the further, since the fifth stage) of the aim realization.
A PRINCIPLE: personal interest.
A SLOGAN (a variant): Health which it is had is time and money which we save on treatment.

3 stage.
A PURPOSE: Termination of smoking in the Organization rooms.
    A foreign experience: smoking is forbidden in rooms of the USA federal administration.
A PRINCIPLE: to begin with a little.
A SLOGAN (a variant): A clever knows how to recover; a wise knows how to not fall ill.

4 stage.
A PURPOSE: Termination of smoking (full, not only in the Organization rooms) by the Organization governing body (at levels up to departments chiefs).
A PRINCIPLE: to begin with themselves.
    Artificial stimulation for this participants' level is not necessary: natural stimulus - comprehension of importance of the success - is enough.
    Sequence of concrete measures
A SLOGAN (a variant): A smoker is the person of a second grade person.

5 stage.
A PURPOSE: Termination of smoking by all Organization's members.
A PRINCIPLE: to begin with the chain smokers; in each working collective to liberate smokers-provocateurs from their tobacco dependences.
A SLOGAN (a variant): If it is hard to give smoking up so do it for the sake of yourself; if it is easy to do it so do it for the sake of children and grandchildren.

6 stage.
A PURPOSE: Termination of smoking by Organization visitors. Measures: statistic analysis of Organization members morbidity.
A PRINCIPLE: necessity of a feedback     è

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